Sunday, December 17, 2006


Kitty kat, kitty kat, kitty kat ROCK! Kitty Kat meow and Kitty Kat yowl. Chasing and snuggling in kitty kat couch, in the kitty kat pouch! Can you think of any other lyrics? This is my little brothers.
Pokemon, pokemon, pokemon ROCK! Pokemon here and pokemon there. Battlin' and trainin' in pokemon square, in pokemon pairs! And this is my favorite stuffed animal Purple Puppy's, lyrics.
purple pup, purple pup, purple pup ROCK! Purple pup dance and purple pup prance. Huggin' and waggin' in purple pup square, in the purpley air!!!!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Puppy For Christmas

Have any of you ever dreamed of waking up in the morning to find a puppy in your present? Or any other animal? If not, I DEMAND A VERY THROUGH EXPLANATION!!!
Curses to all who hate animals! (Evil Laughter!)

Well, it IS about a pet...kinda

Once upon a time, there was a poem. A magnificent and solemn poem, about a boy and his pet. It goes like this.
I made myself a snowball, as perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet, and let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas and a pillow for its head.
Then, last night, it ran away--
But first, it wet the bed.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Ya'll should celebrate the holidays in style

If you have a dog, or even a cat, please go here! This is a great online shoping website FOR PETS! Have fun!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

True to the name

From now on, I will only talk about animals! (true to the name I live 4 animals) AND BOY OH BOY IS THERE ENOUGH TO TALK ABOUT! Just go to and There's a new animal each day and boy are they adorable!