Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Something to Think About

What is real? This is a question I've often asked myself, and although the answer seems simple enough, the more I think about it, the harder it is to figure out.
In looking through ancient bestiaries, I have found countless entries for animals most people would say couldn't possibly be real. Yet in some of those texts I have seen illustrations and highly detailed descriptions of creatures like cockatrices, unicorns, mermaids, and even faeries, all said to be based on eyewitness accounts. These stories stretch back hundreds and sometimes even thousands of years. This folklore feeds many famous fairytales. But just because those ancient accounts are today mostly used for the delight of children, does that mean that no part of these accounts is not or ever has been real?
While on tour for the Spiderwick Chronicles, Holly and I met a little girl who shared that she had seen a living unicorn. Her mother didn't belive her. The little girl wanted us to vailidate what she had obvserved, and while her experience could have been imagined, she was convinced that it acutally happened. Who are we to say it didn't? So what is real?
I am often asked if I've ever seen a faerie. As if not seeing a thing makes it less real. I can't see microbes, but they are everywhere, in the millions. They are just too small to see with the naked eye. And for hundreds of years people didn;t even know they existed. That doesn't mean they were not real. I've never seen many of the bizarre deep-sea fish that exist in the inky depths of the ocean, but I've observed models of them in museums with detailed note simalar ro rhose in ancient bestiaries. How do I know that they're real? If we haven't seen faeries, perhaps it's because we don't have the right tools, or we havn't looked closely enough, or we've simply chosen not to acknowledge what we have seen or learned.
The more researchers and scientists explore the Earth's natural and ancient wonders, the more they discover. Who knows where these new discoveries will lead. The more folklore Holly and I read and compared with the fantastic observation of Arthur Spiderwick's, the more aware we became of what we didn't really know. And the more we wondered: What Is Real?...a chance to ponder what is real.
Tony DiTerlissi
Amherst, Massachusettes, 2005
From Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You

Three Word Wednsday

The words this week are: drum, secrecy, and ante.

One day, after drum class, Lidia walked home the same way as usual, taking a "short cut" around the abandoned apartment where the professor lived. Lidia thought that he was a ghost, be DID want proof first. The professor had an aura of secrecy around him, and never reacted when anyone talked to him. Lidia really wanted to know if her suspisions were true, and upped the ante a little more by walked home past his abannded aparment and school. Sometimes she even peeked into the windows, watching the crazy professor lead an invisible class.

sory it was short, I'm kinda tired today. :O

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Brothers...or bothers?

They are both! Sometimes cute and small, sometimes TERRORIZING! But I love my own little brother all the same. (Most of the time)

It's spring...almost

I went outside and sat in my fav thinking place, the tree. It felt almost like spring! I started this song.
I wake up in the morning,
To a brightly colored sky!
For the sun was up and shining my way.
I rushed outside and the cool air,
Capturing me still.
I know,
I can feel,
That spring is finally here.

I can see a flower,
blooming alone in the weeds,
And I can hear a bluebird,
By himself in the apple trees,
And I know in my heart that this must be,
What God meant spring, to feel like,
The peace and the joy of the springtime air,
Is part,
Of me!

Do you like it so far????

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Three Word Wednesday

I love three word Wednesday!!! I really like writing, and this is a good challenge!!! The words this week are: Professor, Unlikely, and Stairs.

The professor was someone no one knew, and no one liked. However, no one disliked him either. He was like that rock in the garden, it's always there, but you don't really care, do you? Well, that describes the professor. He was total nothingness, but he still was someone. He worked at a school no one went to, and lived in an apartment that housed no one else. He never talked, and only went into town on Friday nights. For the older boys, this was a time when they could "prove" their bravery, daring each other to make faces, even touch him, just to try to push some emotion into him. But he never did anything, showed that it bothered him at all, even when they threw rocks at him. He walked down the stairs, step after step in a perfectly even order. The only problem was that whenever those boys would tough him, or try to, they felt nothing. And the rocks never really touched him, it almost looked as if they went through him. But the boys, knowing full well that if they even breathed the word ghost, they would be the laughing stalk of the whole town. So the professor continued his life in perfect order, in perfect rhythm, working at an empty school and sleeping in an abandoned house. Until one day, a girl, new to the town and always on the lookout for adventure, dared to say the word. And nobody knew what would happen when she did, at what it would bring to their once peaceful town. They never even thought that that unlikey word would do anything to them. Dare to say it. Ghost.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Kitty kat, kitty kat, kitty kat ROCK! Kitty Kat meow and Kitty Kat yowl. Chasing and snuggling in kitty kat couch, in the kitty kat pouch! Can you think of any other lyrics? This is my little brothers.
Pokemon, pokemon, pokemon ROCK! Pokemon here and pokemon there. Battlin' and trainin' in pokemon square, in pokemon pairs! And this is my favorite stuffed animal Purple Puppy's, lyrics.
purple pup, purple pup, purple pup ROCK! Purple pup dance and purple pup prance. Huggin' and waggin' in purple pup square, in the purpley air!!!!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Puppy For Christmas

Have any of you ever dreamed of waking up in the morning to find a puppy in your present? Or any other animal? If not, I DEMAND A VERY THROUGH EXPLANATION!!!
Curses to all who hate animals! (Evil Laughter!)